Niigan talks about how gender is a European construct.
Maria Campbell – Our History (part 3)
Interview, Maria Campbell
Maria talks about growing up and becoming involved in the community.
Maria Campbell – Our History (part 2)
Interview, Maria Campbell
Maria talks about the systematic attack on aboriginal communities and families.
Maria Campbell – Our History (part 1)
Interview, Maria Campbell
Maria talks about the effect of the Jesuits on indigenous people.
Brendt Diabo – Lifestyle
Brendt Thomas Diabo, Interview
Brendt talks about the fast paced life of being a musician.
Kim Wheeler – Cultural Respect
Interview, Kim Wheeler
Kim talks about the significance of cultural respect.
Niigaan Sinclair – Bloodlines
Interview, Niigaan Sinclair
Niigan talks about bloodlines and how we are more than that.
Pam Palmater – Bloodlines
Interview, Pam Palmater
Pam talks about the myth of blood quantum and its devious origin.
Brendt Diabo – Bloodlines
Brendt Thomas Diabo, Interview
Brendt talks about bloodlines and how it has effected his community.
Niigaan Sinclair – Stereotypes
Interview, Niigaan Sinclair
Niigan talks about engaging aboriginal people beyond the stereotypes.
Pam Palmater – Community
Interview, Pam Palmater
Pam talks about the unreasonable burden of proving one’s “aboriginal-ness” to everyone, and the shame that comes with this burden.
Erika Iserhoff – Becoming an Artist
Erika Iserhoff, Interview
Erika talks about he inspiration for becoming an artist.
Niigaan Sinclair – Moccasins
Interview, Niigaan Sinclair
Niigan talks about the Moccasin and what it means from before time.
Derek Miller – Bloodlines
Derek Miller, Interview
Derek talks about his thoughts on bloodlines and loving who you love.
Pam Palmater – Respect
Interview, Pam Palmater
Pam talks about the significance of respecting aboriginal people in our society.
Nahanni Fontaine – Effects of Colonization
Interview, Nahanni Fontaine
Nahanni talks about the effects of colonization on our thinking today.
Nahanni Fontaine – Changing the narrative
Interview, Nahanni Fontaine
Nahanni talks about changing the negative narratives that diminish aboriginal people.
Niigaan Sinclair – Divided City
Interview, Niigaan Sinclair
Niigan talks about how Winnipeg is a divided city.
Pam Palmater – Visibility
Interview, Pam Palmater
Pam talks about the significance of being seen as a aboriginal person in the city.
Kim Wheeler – Anglo Clothes
Interview, Kim Wheeler
Kim talks about business needing to respect aboriginal people and understand what they find offensive.
Bets Doxtader – Forbidden History
Bets Doxtader, Interview
Bets talks about learning our history to reveal who we are.
Niigaan Sinclair – Winnipeg
Interview, Niigaan Sinclair
Niigan talks about history of Winnipeg and western settlement.
Pam Palmater – City
Interview, Pam Palmater
Pam talks about what’s available in the city for indigenous people.
Erika Iserhoff – Toronto
Erika Iserhoff, Interview
Erika talks about come to Toronto from her community.
Derek Miller – Love Sick Blues
Derek Miller, Interview
Derek talks about where the inspiration for his song Love Sick Blues came from.
Cris Derksen – Art Music
Cris Derksen, Interview
Chris talks about her music and relating with her audience.
Brendt Thomas Diabo – The Moment
Brendt Thomas Diabo, Interview
Brendt talks about being in the moment as an actor.