Urban Native Girl is 13-part, half-hour, POV-documentary series that began airing on APTN in the summer of 2016. The series centres on Lisa Charleyboy; a fashionista, entrepreneur, and urban Indigenous innovator. After years of slogging through both the fashion and journalism world — being told that glamour and Aboriginal don’t mix – Lisa sets out to transform her small online blog into a glossy print magazine in the hopes of launching an international brand.
Ku season ɂı̨łaghé ɂëdırı Urban Natıve Gırl Hayorı̨lá Nedhe hots’ı̨ ɂedeke hulyé k’ı (13 x 22 sadzıɂasé haghı̨łnedh ɂerıhtł’ıs nadá holı̨ nı̨) Lısa Charleyboy t’ąt’u ghená sı chu t’a ɂá bá horéná sı ghą holı̨ nı̨; yu ghą nıdhęn chu ëdeba nakoreldher chu hayórı̨la nedhe naré dëne ha honátthé ɂası k’enadher. Holą nęnę dëne ha yu holé k’énaı̨dher chu dëne horełker hu — ɂëdırı k’ots’edı́ nı̨ ɂası nezų chu dënedéłı̨ne ɂëłá nı̨lyé ha dué sı – Lısa hogódhe k’ı̨yá nı̨ tsątsąné benı̨ hųlı̨ k’é dëne ha yatı́ nı̨ ɂá nı onlıne blog hulyé, ɂeyer hots’ı̨ ɂerıhtł’ıs hełtsı́ hıjá nı̨ dëne nı̨bąné ha.
The show was Co-Created by Lisa Charleyboy and Shane Belcourt, and Produced by Jeremy Edwardes, Jim Compton, Michelle St. John, and Todd Ivey for Wabunganung Productions.
EP#1 – “Is Print Really Dead?“
In the pilot episode we meet Lisa as she takes her dream to industry insiders and asks: is there a place for an urban native magazine as the print industry is retracting? This episode features interviews with Shelley Ambrose (The Walrus), Jamie Monastyrski (Spirit Magazine), and Lorraine Zander (Faze Magazine).
“erıhtł’ıs détł’ıs k’ut’á beląghé husą?”
ku ɂeją t’a ɂası t’a net’ı̨ k’ı, Lısa t’atthe nuhenalé boret’ı̨ sı́ t’a ɂası hełtsı́ horelɂı̨h k’ı́ dëne t’ą ɂası k’enaradé k’ı́ hel yałtı́ ɂëdırı ɂası ghą: ku ɂëdırı ɂası k’ı́, dënedédłı̨ne hayórı̨la nëdhe nadher dé ɂerıhtł’ıs hełtsı́ ha ba hoɂą husą ɂası yuné hané hıjá dé? Ku t’a ɂeją ɂası́ net’ı̨ k’ı́ Shelly Ambrose (Walrus ɂerıhtł’ıs hots’ı̨) chu Jamıe Montastyrsky (Spırıt ɂerıhtł’ıs hots’ı̨) chu Lorraıne Zander (Faze ɂerıhtł’ıs hots’ı̨) horelyų bodorelker nı̨ ɂëdırı ghą.
EP#2 – “Clock’s Ticking”
It’s the feature spread photo shoot, everyone’s late and falling behind, can Lisa pull it together or is this business off to a bumpy start? This episode features Dene designer Sage Paul, photographer Keesic Douglas, and rising star models Logan Staats, Brendt Diabo, and Jayli Wolf.
David Hannan, Carolee Custus, Dan Wood, Ryan Hernandez, TJ Richardson, Nigel Owen, Summer Garcia, Israel Garcia, Felipe Vintena, Tony Wallace, and Jordan O’Connor
Nadya Kwandibens, Joseph Boyden, Christi Belcourt, Leslie McCue, Lindy Kinoshameg, Theola Ross, John Charleyboy, and Falen Johnson
“Sa hëɂál”
Ku t’a hotthé denı́tł’ıs naraltsı́ nunı̨dher hú horelyų dëne t’a bel hoɂąnı̨ ɂı̨ghą nı̨dhéł hılé betthé nųłtth’er, Lısa t’a hełtsı ha nı̨sı́ yełtsı́ ha husą? Ku ɂedırı t’a ɂası net’ı̨ Dëne ts’ekuı yu hełtsı́ Sage Paul chu Kessıc Douglas dënenı̨ rıhtł’ıs nałtsı́ dëne chu Logan Staats, Brent Dıabo chu Jaylı Wolfe beghą holı̨ nı̨.
EP#3 – “Is Blood Thicker Than Love?”
Lisa questions the CBC Aboriginal article called “Bloodlines” that she wrote the previous year. It raised emotions on both sides of the argument; that Indigenous people should only have children with their own to preserve the culture and bloodlines. This episode features interviews with Pam Palmater, Niigaan Sinclair, Leslie McCue & Lindy Kinoshameg, Michaela Washburn and Michelle Polak, Christi Belcourt. With special performances by Brendt Thomas Diabo, Jayli Wolf and Iskwe.
“Dëne delé ɂëłghąyetą ɂası́ dech’eré husa?”
Ku ɂëdırı t’a net’ı̨ ha k’ı, Lısa CBC Aborıgınal hots’ı̨ ɂerıhtł’ıs “Dëne dële t’a hoghëdı́” ɂerıhtł’ıs yunı́ nęnę yerı̨tł’ıs nı ghą horı̨łker nı̨. Ɂeyı t’a nats’ęn yeghą nanéhedher nı̨; dënedédłı̨ne ɂëła sekuı́ danı̨shé bech’alanıé chu bëdële hodoghołnı̨ ha. Ku ɂëdırı t’a net’ı̨ k’ı Pam Palmater, Nııgaan Sınclaır chu Derek Mıller nuhëheł dayałtı ɂëdırı ghą.
EP#4 – “Lisa vs Lisa”
Part Two of the re-thinking of Lisa’s “Bloodlines” article, only this time the question doesn’t go to others, Lisa looks in the mirror and asks herself some hard questions. This episode features interviews with Michaela Washburn, Michelle Polak, Leslie McCue, Lindy Kinoshameg, and special musical performances by Derek Miller and Logan Staats!
“Lısa k’ı Lısa ɂëdenëlɂı̨h nahts’ęn”
Ku ɂëją t’a nats’ęn net’ı̨ k’ı Part naké k’ı, Lısa nats’ęn ɂëdenelɂı̨h sı hotthé “Bloodlınes dënedelé ghą dı̨tł’ıs” nı̨ ghą, kulı́ ɂëdųhųn ɂëładųné horełker hılé, Lısa ɂëdënelɂı̨h hu hotıé deghare ɂëdorelker ɂëdırı ghą. Ku ɂëdırı hel Iskwe hots’ı̨ dëne nuxa dajęn nı̨.
EP#5 – “Gay? Queer? Two-Spirited? … Human Being”
Lisa sends Métis writer Cole Alvis into Toronto’s two-spirit community to explore the space between sexuality and gender. This episode features interviews with Niigaan Sinclair, Theo Ross, Cris Derksen, Dr. Evan Adams, and a roundtable discussion with EJ Kwandibens, Warren Greene, Nicole Tanguay and Alexus Young. With special musical performance by Cris Derksen.
Special thanks to the Woodland Cultural Centre, Kent Monkman and 519.
“Dëneyu ɂëłghą nı̨dhęn? Nahts’ęn dëddhęn hu? … Dëne”
Ɂëdırı t’a net’ı̨ hadé, Lısa Tąnı̨sts’ęn beyası́ Cole Alvıs Toronto t’ą dëne ɂëłghądanı̨dhęn sı ts’ęn yı̨łɂá nı yodorëłker ha ɂëdëghą t’adanı̨dhęn chu t’ąt’u ɂëdënelɂı̨h ghą. Ku ɂëdırı t’a honet’ı̨ k’ı Theo Ross, Crıs Derkson chu EJ Kwandıbens horelyų behonıé bodoret’ı̨.
EP#6 – “Head-Dressed Halloween Anyone?”
Lisa explores the issues of cultural appropriation in the fashion industry. This episode feature interviews with writer Kim Wheeler, Keesic Douglas, Niigaan Sinclair, Pam Palmater, artist Erika Iserhoff, and designer Sage Paul.
Lindy Kinoshameg, Leslie McCue, Keesic Douglas, Brendt Thomas Diabo, Israel Garcia , Jayli Wolf, and Sage Paul.
“Ɂeyųne dzı̨ne k’e dëne yu yedıł dënedédłı̨ne dëne k’odheré ts’ı̨ headress ɂahot’ı̨ k’ı́ ɂësǫt’ılé husą́?”
Ku ɂëdırı t’a net’ı̨ hadé, Lısa dëne hodorełker ɂëładųne dëne dënedédłı̨ne k’esı̨ dątł’ų ghą. Ku t’ą dëne hodorelker dé, Kım Wheeler ɂası ghą dëtł’ıs dëne, Erıka Iserhoff dëne dełt’ıs dëne chu Sage Paul yu hegą ha ɂası dëtł’ıs dëne.
EP#7 – “Nothing Breeds Success Like … Questioning Everything”
Lisa seeks a better understanding of how we should define “success” in the Indigenous community; money? culture? can we have both? This episode features interviews with Dr. Evan Adams, Keesic Douglas, Lisa Muswagon, Gabrielle Scrimshaw, Jarret Leaman, Maria Campbell, Pam Palmater, Nadya Kwandibens and JP Gladu.
Joseph Boyden
Special Thanks to The Brow House
“Ɂası nedhe hołé hadé … hotıé degharé Borëlker dezą”
Lısa hotıe ɂası henerenı̨ horelɂı̨h ɂá, ɂëdłaghe hats’edı́ ɂá “ɂası hołé nezų success ghą” nuhënęnę k’eyaghé; tsąmba hu? Nuhëch’alanıé hu? Banełt’u ɂëła nuhëts’ı̨ husa? Ku ɂëdırı t’a net’ı hadé Dr. Evan Adams, Gabrıelle Scrımshaw chu JP Gladu hodorelker sı ɂëdırı ghą.
EP#8 – “Walking With Our Sisters”
Lisa explores the heart-breaking issue of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. This episode features interviews with Maria Campbell, Christi Belcourt, Pam Palmater, Dr. Evan Adams and Nahanni Fontaine.
Cheri Maracle, Falen Johnson, and Michelle St. John.
Special thanks to Walking With Our Sisters
“Ɂası nedhe hołé hadé … hotıé degharé Borëlker dezą”
Lısa ɂëdırı ghą dëne hel yałtı́ sı t’ą ts’ekuı łeghąldé chu dolé sı ghą Murdered and Mıssıng Indıgenous women and Gırls ghą. Ku ɂëdırı t’ą net’ı̨ sı Marıa Campbell, Chrıstı Belcourt chu Nahannı Fontaıne hel dayałtı sı.
EP#9 – “Muddy Waters”
Lisa travels to Winnipeg, the Urban Aboriginal Capital of Canada; a city on the rise or a city mired in racism and struggle? This episode features interviews with Sean McCormick, Waneek Horn Miller, Niigaan Sinclair, Nahanni Fontaine and Alan Greyeyes.
“Hotł’és tué”
Lısa Wınnıpeg ts’ęn hųtá nathëyá, tok’é t’a dënedédłı̨ne hoɂąsı́ łą ɂı̨łá k’é naradé Canada nask’athé hadé; ku ɂeją hayórı̨lá nedhe yudaghé hané huto hotıé degharé dënedédłı̨né k’aɂų haldhęn racısm hulyé chu horená hoɂą dënedédłı̨ne ha husą? Ku ɂëdırı t’a honet’ı̨ hadé Sean McMormıck, Waneek Horn Mıller chu Alan Greyeyes hodorelker sı ɂëdırı ghą.
EP#10 – “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?”
Lisa sends writer and Six Nations part-time resident Falen Johnson into her reserve to explore the push and pull of Reserve life. This episode features interviews with Santee Smith, Semiah Smith, Elizabeth (Betts) Doxtator, and a round-table discussion with Falen’s family. Special performance by Cheri Maracle.
Ashley Bomberry, Naomi Johnson, Lucas Johnson, Tianna Johnson, Michael Winnie, Tahnee Williams, and Reannan Johnson.
Special thanks to the Village Cafe, Chiefswood National Historical Site and Tom Hill.
“Nasdher hutó Nasdá ha husą?”
EP#11 – “Land Title = Game Changer”
Lisa travels to her home community to speak with the Tsilhqot’in Chiefs, central to the historic Land Title settlement. This isn’t “Treaty”, this is “Title”, and this changes everything. This episode features interviews with Chief Joe Alphonse, Crystal Verhaeghe, Pam Palmater, Chief Percy Guichon, and Chief Roger William.
Falen Johnson and Theola Ross
“Nıh hut’ǫ ɂerıhtł’ıs = Ɂası noreɂá sı”
Lısa benęnę ts’ęn hųtá natheyá Tsılh ot’ın hots’ı̨ k’oldé heł yałtı́ ha, k’anı̨ thılé benęnę ghą lımarshı holı̨ nı̨. Ku ɂëdırı k’ı́ “tsamba nałyá Treaty” hılé sı, ɂëdırı k’ı “Nıh hutǫ ha ɂerıhtł’ıs Tıtle” sı, ɂeyı t’a horelyų ɂası hajá sı dëne ha. Ku ɂëdırı t’a net’ı̨ k’ıe Dëne k’odhere Joe Alphonse, Crystal Verhaeghe, chu Dëne k’odhere Percy Guıchon chu Dëne k’odhere Roger Wıllıam hodorı̨łker nı̨.
EP#12 – “Out of the Shadows, Into the Arms of Community”
Lisa’s father, a former Tsihlqot’in Chief and Residential School Survivor, committed suicide when Lisa was 4 years old, which fractured the family, and ostracized them from the community. Can these wounds ever be healed? Lisa speaks with Chief Percy Guichon, Otis Guichon, Pahan Pte San Win, Ervin Charleyboy and John Charleyboy.
“Hoɂųsı horelzęn hots’ı̨ dëne hel sehenųt’á”
Yunı̨sı̨ Lısa betá nı̨ Dëne k’odhere hęlı̨ nı̨ t’oho łegháręłdher, dëne xaré kuę naı̨dher nı̨ Lısa 6 beghaı́́yé hu, bet’a dëne ɂëłtı̨ deł nı̨ chu dëne ch’ası́ tı̨ralɂá nı̨. Ku ɂëdırı sehenųt’á ha hoɂą husą?
EP#13 – “The End is Just a Starting Point”
Lisa and her team struggle to get all the pieces together for Urban Native Magazine, and then celebrates with the Toronto Indigenous community … what does the future hold now? Guests — Maria Campbell, Niigaan Sinclair, Pam Palmater, Christi Belcourt, Mary Beth Leatherdale, Kateryna Topol, and Shelley Ambrose.
Louise Solomon, Sage Paul, Angela Analok, Falen Johnson, Michelle Polak, Lindy Kinoshameg, and Leslie McCue.
“Beląghe nųnı̨dher hots’ı̨ bonı̨dhı́”
Lısa chu t’ą dëne yeł ɂëghadalaná horelyų ɂası ɂëła nı̨ralé hodorełdzaı bets’ı̨ ɂerıhtł’ıs Urban Natıve Magazıne hulyé ha ɂeyer hu Toronto t’ą nąnı̨ dënedédłı̨ne naradé heł horelyų nųt’ą nı̨ … ku yunadhé ha ɂëdłaghé dëne ha hoɂą ɂá?